Seaweed grinder delivered to Azores Islands

Seaweed grinder delivered to Azores Islands

Seaweed grinder delivered to Azores Islands Seaweed grinder Capacity 50-100 kg/h; Particle sizes: 200, 500, and 1000 microns; Made of AISI 304 Stainless steel; Motor power rating 3kW; Ability to attach plastic bags; Easy disassemble for cleaning and maintenance;...
Microalgae photobioreactor

Microalgae photobioreactor

Microalgae photobioreactor Microalgae are receiving increasing attention worldwide due to their specific chemical composition. People are starting to grow them more and more. At the customer’s request, Metal production designed a microalgae growth reactor for...
Seaweed harvesting machine

Seaweed harvesting machine

Seaweed harvesting machine UAB “Metal production” designed, prepared production drawings and found the most reliable manufacturer that would produce a quality seaweed harvesting machine. Seaweed harvesting machine semi-automatically removes seaweed from...
Seaweed seeding machine

Seaweed seeding machine

Seaweed seeding machine UAB “Metal production” designed, prepared production drawings and found the most reliable manufacturer that would produce a quality seaweed seeding machine. The machine inserts a mixture of seeds and glue into a selected amount of...